Endorse the Course by making a gift today!
Kansas 4-H is celebrating the 75th year of 4-H Camp at Rock Springs Ranch this year! Kansas 4-H Youth Leadership Council members were inspired by what these Kansas 4-H members did 75 years ago and have an idea for making sure camp is extra special for the next 75 years. We are introducing a new Leadership Adventure Course for Rock Springs Ranch! The Leadership Adventure Course is a team obstacle course with high ropes, low elements and a dueling zip line.
Gifts made between now and May 1st will ensure the Leadership Adventure Course is complete for the next 75 years of campers!
Together, the goal for clubs is to raise $25,000. For every $5,000 that clubs raise, generous donors who believes in Kansas 4-H will match every gift dollar for dollar, up to $25,000! That means the total would double and become $50,000!
Yes! I will Endorse the Course with a gift to the Leadership Adventure Course at Rock Springs Ranch!