Kansas 4-H Accessibility Fund



Since the beginning, Kansas 4-H has always been committed to enhancing accessibility to 4-H experiences for current and new members.

The purpose of the Accessibility Fund is to provide financial support to meet the needs of Kansas youth. Both current and future 4-H members are eligible to apply. The goal is to ensure Kansas 4-H is accessible for all youth regardless of any financial, physical, social and emotional accommodations needed.

Applications are confidential and are reviewed monthly by a committee made up of Kansas 4-H youth, Kansas 4-H youth development staff, and Kansas 4-H Foundation staff and Board of Trustee members. This committee may reach out to collaborate with local K-State Research and Extension staff to evaluate the most appropriate funding source.

This application can be completed by the youth directly or on behalf of the youth with assistance from an adult. If you know of someone who could benefit from the Accessibility Fund and would like to nominate them, please email their name, email address, and phone number to accessibility@kansas4hfoundation.org.

Thanks to generous support from Kansas 4-H clubs across the state, the Accessibility Fund currently has $40,000 available. Applications will be awarded as funds are available.

If you have specific questions regarding the Accessibility Fund, please email accessibility@kansas4hfoundation.org   or call the Kansas 4-H Foundation office at 785-775-0123.

Apply for the Accessibility Fund!

If you feel inspired to support the youth with a gift to the Accessibility Fund, you can give securely online at the link below.